Chickens Have a Nightmare Called Poultrygeist The film Dead is a typical violent and low-budget Troma production. The parody of consumerism in this piece is very funny.
A group of boaters who get lost end up on a mysterious island where a Nazi experiment has turned the crew of a sunken SS submarine into zombies and thrown them overboard. Peter Cushing plays an SS Commander who looks very confused and out of place.
J. R. Bookwalter was paid out of Sam Raimi's profits from Evil Dead II to helm The Dead Next Door. There was cringeworthy amateur acting with surprising expertise in this SUPER 8 zombie action-drama.
World War Z is one of the poorest adaptations of brilliant source material in the horror genre's history, but it does present an intriguing narrative of a UN investigator who travels the globe in quest of a cure or biological agent to combat the zombies.
Zeder is a bizarre horror-drama with a unique twist on zombie flicks. It is about a young author who is striving to unravel the riddle of the K-Zones.
The young lads in Deadgirl argue over who gets to rape the "deadgirl" next as they delve into the sexuality of the dead. The picture is successfully horrifying and icky, and it made the cut only because it proposes a use for zombies that hasn't been fully explored in the previous 40 years.
Nicholas Hoult portrays a zombie who spends his days roaming a derelict airport with hundreds of his brothers until he encounters Julie for the first time, at which point his cold, dead heart somehow melts.
In the movie Warm Bodies, two zombies meet their father. One of the best parts of the movie is the funny relationship between the two main characters.
A zombie outbreak takes place as a group of kindergarten kids are on a field trip to a farm or petting zoo, and Lupita Nyong'o plays as the teacher who is tasked with protecting her charges from the undead.
Some white people, fleeing colonialism, really want its worst practices.
James Gunn's first film, Slither, was a B-movie zombie/alien pastiche. It lacks originality owing to similarities to another film on our list, Night of the Creeps, from 1986, but it's still a fun film to see.
Juan of the Dead, by Alejandro Brugués, is Cuba's first zombie movie.
The film Juan of the Dead adds political verve to zombie cinema, with Juan trying to profit off the panic and confusion by starting a small business that eventually spins out of control.

The 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead by Tom Savini is a faithful adaptation. It would be a classic if it weren't for the title.
A young Australian director's post-apocalyptic zombie film with no shortage of style, Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead features several welcome twists on the zombie formula and is scary without being dour, emotional without feeling pompous and gory without completely descending into the violent slapstick of Peter Jackson's Dead Alive or Bad Taste.
Zombieland is a zombie comedy set in the USA with nameless survivors. It contains menacing zombies and balances humorous violence with character-driven comedy.
The zombie apocalypse would spread via digital phones. This movie does a good job of depicting it.
Pontypool is a conceptual and ethereal re-imagining of what the term "zombie" may be understood to signify in many contexts. It is a condemnation of the incapacity of mankind in the 21st century to actually connect with one another and debate matters that are relevant and truly vital, and it is a film that I appreciate tremendously for taking the hard route.
Demons is a zombie movie about a movie theater full of unusual individuals, such a pimp, a blind guy, and a lot of groovy adolescents.
The screening of a horror film, followed by the introduction of zombies and demons into the audience, all in the name of some unknown plan that results in brutality and survival.
Zombi 2 is the best horror movie ever made. It is the crown jewel of the horror genre because it is so crazy and has so much blood. It has many memorable scenes that aren't just from the horror genre.
Night of the Living Dead, directed by George A. Romero, is widely regarded original source as the most influential zombie film ever produced.
The film directed by Romero is credited with establishing the rules of the zombie genre, which in turn has impacted subsequent zombie films. It is the equal of Tolkien's effect on high fantasy "races," and it is almost impossible to have a meaningful discussion about zombies without first having watched Romero's picture.
Day of the Dead redefines the traditional Romero ghoul and adds "Bub," who has personality and comedy.
When 28 Days Later came out in 2002, the classic zombie film was practically dead, but the film resurrected the notion and made zombies a serious danger. It also gave rise to the notion of the serious zombie film in the twenty-first century.
The Day of the Dead gave reanimated corpses a scientific twist, but Re-Animator revels in it. In a gloriously manic, campy portrayal of mad scientist Herbert West, who employs syringes of flashing green slime to bring the dead back to life, Jeffrey Combs shines.
The sequel to Night of the Living Dead directed by John Russo is widely regarded as a masterpiece in the genre.
Romero's Dawn of the Dead is a significant step forward in terms of presentation, professionalism, thematic complexity, and groundbreaking visual effects. It is set in a gaudy mall overrun by zombies and has iconic imagery that later zombie films attempted to imitate or mock.